Just Getting Started with EYMaths? 

Take a look at our EYMaths YouTube Channel and discover the many fabulous ways you can start learning with us for FREE!


The EYMaths YouTube Channel 

Ready to experience your first EYMaths #wowbombs? 

Kate Larner, Reception Teacher, Worcestershire, UK 


'Wow Karen, what an amazing journey into number sense! I am really excited now to share this with my children and continue my own learning journey into how marvellous maths really is! Thank you so much 😊.' 

Video 1: What is 'subitising'?

'Subitising' (from the Latin 'subito' meaning 'to arrive suddenly) may be a new term to many of us but what it means and how we use it to build 'Number Sense Mastery' is far from it.

If you're looking for the secret that will unlock a child's understanding of 'number' (so they can label amounts using number names, compare, add, subtract and LOTS more) then get ready for your first (and possibly biggest) EYMaths #wowbomb

Get ready to never teach Early Years Maths in the same way ever again!

With over 19 thousand views (at the time of writing) this video is our most popular with


Louise Wilson, Early Years Practitioner, Cambridgeshire, UK


'I have been doing training with Karen during the autumn term and it has been utterly amazing!  I cannot recommend this highly enough and even more so as it is FREE!'

Video 2: Teaching Numbers 1-5: The Essential Ingredients

Are you following the 'Why? How? and What?' approach to plan to teach numbers 1-5?

Do you know what could be missing from your practice and what might be PREVENTING your children from making brilliant progress? 

Join this EYMaths webinar with Karen and discover a whole new way of thinking about how young children learn and the KEY things you need to prioritise in your provision.


Video 3: How to Teach 5 and 10 Frames

Even if you're at the beginning of your journey learning how to teach Maths to our youngest learners, you'll know that the number 10 has particular importance.

You may not have stopped to consider 'why though.

Join Karen in this video and discover why giving our children the tools of '5' and then '10 frames' will enable them to 'see' numbers as patterns which, in turn, enables them to compare, add, subtract and even make what is thought of as 'tricky teen numbers' SUPER easy to learn!


Suzanne Carr, Early Years Teacher,  UK


'Wow lots of great ideas to take back to class the pause button was worn out!'

Video 4: Teaching Maths Outdoors

Teaching Maths outdoors is something every Early Years practitioner is instinctively drawn to (even if the weather doesn't always lend itself to ideal circumstances to do so!)

It's one of the EASIEST ways to teach Maths too. Children are at their most curious, engaged, communicative selves when surrounded by nature and it is a time where we can learn to listen to them and show them how to apply their 'tool box' of skills in a very natural and more relaxed way.

At EYMaths we model learning outdoors in EVERYTHING we do! Join Karen in her local woodland in Mid-Wales in this video looking at the Maths of autumn.


Where will EYMaths take you next?      

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