What if the way you are currently teaching is actively preventing your children from making great progress and leading to them to fear and dislike Maths


It doesn't have to be this way  

Our EYMaths Mission:

To give EVERY educator (teachers and parents worldwide) passionate about showing their 3-6 year olds that Maths is an essential life skill and is joyful and exciting to learn, the essential tools and knowledge they need to achieve this.


'Karen's training really brings about deep learning. It changes the mindset of both teachers and children.'

Does this sound like you?   

You work SO hard as an Early Years practitioner and you LOVE what you do, but... 

  • You had a bad experience of learning Maths at school and the thought of doing training scares you. You can't EVER imagine loving Maths (but don't want your children to feel like this)
  • You lack confidence and worry that you're not teaching Early Years Maths in the 'right' way (and don't know who to ask to help you improve). This is impacting upon your children's progress

  • You desperately want to make your maths teaching more meaningful so your children feel engaged and excited and therefore learn more effectively BUT your don't feel the approach you're currently using is working.    

'I guarantee to make a difference to the way you feel about and teach Maths from the very FIRST day we work together.'

Karen Wilding

Founder and CEO at EYMaths

Meet Karen 

Learn how I went from 'Maths-hater' to 'Maths-lover'! 

Hi, I'm Karen Wilding, founder and director at EYMaths.

I started life, like so many of you, hating maths and failing at every stage.

It was only in my thirties, as the result of attending some great training as a teacher myself, that I realised it wasn't maths, or me, it was just the way I had been taught.

This was a truly life-changing revelation.

Since then, I've passionately pursued a quest to build my own Maths subject knowledge, teach Maths in ways that are meaningful and connected, research how the brain learns and makes sense of this amazing subject so I can pass this knowledge on to others.

I spent so long myself, teaching all year groups from 3 year olds to 11 year olds, searching for Maths activities, worrying I wasn't doing it right with no-one to ask for advice or guidance. Back then, a 'toolbox' like this would have felt like all my birthdays had arrived at once! 

Once I had my own huge shift in understanding, I knew I had to help others do the same because, like most teachers, I believed I couldn't actually learn or teach Maths. I was taught the fundamentals in 'rote-style' learning that meant it never stuck and I thought I was a failure.

The truth was hidden from me.

It wasn't me or Maths; it was simply the way I had been taught. Maths is actually an incredible, empowering and magical subject. 

Now I can give everything I learned to you.

During Covid-19, I focused my attention on those supporting  3-5 year olds and began to offer training online. However, my extensive experience, working with 3-11 year olds in a teaching, senior leadership and advisory capacity over more than 30 years, means the extensive support I offer is about setting children up for life and not just getting it right in the Early Years.

This means working with EYMaths is IDEAL for teaching teams who want to create consistency across ALL year groups.

Those that choose this path (working with us as 'Team IMPACT' - see below for further details) experience the most long-lasting results.

At EYMaths, we're here to give you ALL the tools you need to transform children's learning in Maths

What do you need right now?


FREE Training on YouTube  

At EYMaths we want you to be able to start bringing about INSTANT changes to your children's progress.

Our YouTube videos are the perfect place to do just this. The same high-quality training on every area of teaching Maths to 3-5 year olds and it won't cost you a penny. 



The 'Teaching Essential Number Sense' (TENS) Course

Want to instantly transform your teaching of 'Essential Number Sense' as an individual or as a team? Then this is where all of my practitioner success stories have started.



Online Training for Individuals: 'IMPACT'

When you're passionate about investing in yourself the frustration of not being able to find a way of learning means you can lose your motivation and energy for your work.

That's why we've created high-quality, low-cost, memberships (cancel any time) at three different levels offering you incredible support at every stage of your journey.



Online Group Training: Team IMPACT

One of the most effective ways to impact on children's progress is to train your whole team.

But the cost of cover and investment for most settings and schools is prohibitive. 

That's why we've created 'Team IMPACT' allowing your team to access quality online, recorded training over an extended period of time. 



'Karen's training made perfect sense. It was very accessible, very practical and we could immediately see the impact that it made on the children.'

Start Your Journey Here:

The EYMaths YouTube Channel

Are you ready to discover what 'you didn't know you didn't know' about teaching Maths to 3-5 year olds? 

The EYMaths YouTube channel will give you this and SO much more. All for FREE!

Guaranteed to create the infamous EYMaths #wowbombs and give you instant tools and strategies to instantly transform your practice and your children's progress.

  • Discover your hidden 'super power' of 'Subitising' (The secret to securing 'Number Sense Mastery')
  • Find out what '5 frames' and '10 frames' are and how to use them brilliantly!
  • Take your Maths outdoors and make sure EVERY chid in your setting is engaged and excited about Maths
  • and lots more!

Entry-Level Membership

EYMaths 'Pathway': Training for Individuals

(Monthly membership cancel anytime)

Are you just starting out with EYMaths?

Have you experienced your first EYMaths #wowbombs by watching the videos on our YouTube channel and can't WAIT to learn more?

Then our online 'Pathway' membership is the perfect place for you.

Available to you whenever you need it. Unlimited access so you can watch, pause and revisit as many times as you like. Receive Karen's transformative guidance to help you teach on every aspect of Early Years Maths with skill, confidence and enjoyment (and all with no tie-in- cancel any time). 

  • Incredible value:  Our no tie-in membership costs just over £3 a week (less than the cost of a decent coffee!)
  • Guaranteed to give you the subject knowledge tools, pedagogical skills and confidence to teach Maths effectively (and love doing it!)
  • Unlimited access to your own personal online library of training and resources (added to throughout the year)
  • FREE access to the three termly challenges (Subitising 1-5, 'Teaching Numbers  1-10' and 'The Sunflower Project')
  • Exclusive invitation to join the 'Pathway Virtual Cafe' online Facebook group
  • No tie-in- cancel any time - just stay as long as you wish

Higher-Level Membership 

'EYMaths 'IMPACT': Training for Individuals

(Monthly membership cancel anytime)

Are you someone who LOVES to go 'all -in' and commit to creating a real impact and you're ready to go to that next level?

Then our online 'IMPACT' membership is ideal for you.

Come and join the most incredible group of like-minded. highly-motivated practitioners and watch your practice soar!  

  • Includes ALL of the benefits received by 'Pathway' members PLUS
  • Exclusive access to our amazing online 'IMPACT Lounge' community
  • Unlimited online access to an extensive personal library of recorded training and resources  on every aspect of teaching Maths to children aged 3-5 (added to throughout the year)
  • LIVE training each month with Karen (both optional and all recorded for easy re-visiting catch up)
  • Weekly optional 'Cuppa and catch-up' 'drop-in' Q&A with Karen and your fellow members
  • Includes £70 discount on the 'Teaching Essential Number Sense (TENS)' course PLUS 4 free sessions with Karen to keep you motivated whilst studying  

Group Training 

Team IMPACT: Training
for Groups  

Are you a team of practitioners or group of schools who are committed to giving your children the very BEST start to their Maths learning journey but are struggling knowing where to start (and who to trust)? 

Then our group training programs: 'Team Pathway' or 'Team IMPACT' are your perfect fit. 

Offering you the same high-quality online training available to everyone wishing to learn with EYMaths, but at a far lower cost and over an extended time frame; enabling you to invest in everyone and create 100% consistency and bring about INCREDIBLE impact. 

  • Huge cost savings on the cost of training as an individual (the more members involved the lower the cost per practitioner)
  • Ideal for everyone wishing to learn collaboratively: from a small teams right up to multiple schools, Academy Trusts and large organisations
  • 12 months unlimited access to an online library (each member receives their own login)